maandag 30 mei 2011

Dallas and rides

Hey everyone,

I know I havent been writing enough. But well, lets just say Im having wayy tooo much fun.
Lets see where to begin.

Last week Wednesday I left the New England area, headed to Dallas Texas. Of course I have many delays, but its alll good. Cause who cares? Im in the States !!!

Jimmy a.k.a. Ol Man Jimmy picked me up from the airport. He has such a beautiful house !!!!
It was kind of late that day, so we soon crashed. Passed out within a sec!!

Thursday. Obviously first some Wal*Mart action

Everyone knows how much I love that!!!
Then Thursday evening, BIKE NIGHT !!
Now I have never been to a bike night before, but mannn, this is awesome!! Meeting people, having a good laugh and then of course: a ride!! Absolutely awesome.
On this day I already met a lot of awesome people and lots of stunters/riders which I had only know from Stuntride.

Saturday was the memorial ride for Preston Cass. It was amazing to see how many people came from far and near to honor someone. That was really special !

After that was the lot session. Wayy too hot to ride, so not many pictures :

More pix in my facebook album

And sunday was the huge streetride. That was soo awesome. We even shut down the highway !!!!!

Monday we went shopping with Linda. She is so awesome and sweet! Had some great fun, and good convo's.
Even had our makeup done by a professional MAC makeup artist. I think I never looked so pretty, Haha!
Visited Wal*mart, Macys, VICTORIA SECRET (f*** yeah, I got a set too!!) got our boobs measured at VS, Dillards... and too many things to name.

For all the people I have met : Thank you so much again. It was nice meeting you all, and making new friends you are the best. Lets keep in touch ! Until then. drive safe, go crazy and enjoy life !!!

Kiss Bara

Post scriptum : And I got to see real fireflies !! How cool is that!!!

maandag 23 mei 2011

Amsterdam meets Mass meeting

Saturday may 21th - Amsterdam meets Mass meeting

Finally ! After long talking to everyone on the internet, phone and text. The big day has finally arrived.
Jeff drove me to the North Londonderry busstation where Stunt Dabba will pick me up.

The awesome Stunt Dabba is giving me a ride to the lot. The way there was so much fun! We talked alot, made jokes, grabbed some MC. And arrived at the lot :

For more pictures, check my album on FB at 

After the session we went to a place called "Charlies Horse".
First we had something for dinner, and after that it was dance and arcade time!
I have had an absolute blast,

I want to thank everybody so much for coming, the hospitality, fun convo's, great riding, letting me ride and try their bike, the lessons, the jokes, the dancing, the drinks and everything I forgot to mention here . You guys are all awesome, and I hope to see you soon again!!!!!!!!

Day 1 -2 - 3

Hello everyone, (if youre only interested in riding things/pix, scroll up to the next message)

Ok, so this "everyday writing" is probably not gonna work out that well :-)
There is way too much to do and way too much fun to have!!

Wednesday May 18th - Day 1 - of departure
Got at the airport on time. Race went with me by train, to wave goodbye.

The first flight, from Amsterdam to Philadelphia was good. Slept alot (like I always do on planes).
Then right over to the connecting flight to Newark.
Which had a delay *sigh* for several hours. Eventho my body was realllyyy tired, my mind was all active and still happy. Even the delay couldnt sweep me off my feet; I mean honestly ! I'M IN THE STATES!!!
During the waiting time I had some pretty good convo's with some Americans and met the most awesome people ever! They were so kind, the time flew by talking to them!

The flight from Philly to Newark was a 20 min flight with lots of turbulance. I thought I was gonna die, since this airplane wasn't bigger then the LEGO-airplanes I used to play with back in the days.
But even that, we survived, picked up the luggage and headed to our hotel. Sheraton Newark Airport.
I love it here! This is well luxurious I have to say. Im not leaving ! Haha.

After watching American Idols (is J.Lo still in the running??) I fell asleep. At that moment I have been awake for over 24 hours.

All of a sudden, some loud noise wakes me. Its the fire alarm! And you know, if it was just the whoot whoot sounds, I'd probably stayed in bed. But there was also a man voice telling us to (loudly) to evacuate. Really? Honestly?
So first I have to find some clothes, cause I slept just in some boxer. (if there really was a fire I'd probably be dead by now already)

Note to self - Sleep with clothes on
Fortunatly it was false alarm, and everyone could go back to back. Sleeping time again!

Thursday May 19th -Day 2 - Newark - Boston
With the shuttle from the hotel up to the airport again. Im starting to know my way around airports now.
I came to find out, you do not mess with US security. Prefferably not even laugh at them. They are scary!!!

Jeff picked me up from the bus station, and brought me to....... Walmart!!!!!!
Most of you all know how much I love Wally World. And I just walked around the store all time with a smile on my face :-)
After that we had some dinner at Applebee's.
I can not get used to the portions you get here in the states. They are huge!!!!! Its good you can bring everything you can't finish, with you back home.

Friday May 20th - Chill day
Today we just hang out a little bit. Went to the Walmart and to visit a friend of Jeff.

dinsdag 17 mei 2011


Minus Day 1

After longggg longggg countdown to my holiday to The States (150 days to be exact)
THE day has finally arrived. Tomorrow morning I am flying from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

So that means : packing day !!

Of course the To-Pack-List was already printed and ready to be used.
I could borrow a Trolley from my parents, weighted it. And was ready to pack.
How it started :

Nice clean bed. With my backpack (as hand lugage)
Next step : Getting everything off the list on the bed. Then make an (horrible) attempt of trying to put it IN the trolley.

Ok. I could now make the conclusion, that this wasnt gonna fit in ANY way. Sigh. So I needed to get a bigger bag. Which is actually alright, but it has no wheels. Carry-time !

As some of you have already seen on SR of FB. There is gonna be a hugeeee waterballoon war/fight with Casey and Outlaw at the Crash n Cass memorial weekend.
Couldnt forget these couldnt I !

Absolutely stoked about meeting everyone. All the riders and family have been so helpfull and friendly, this is absolutely gonna be awesome.

My schedule for the first days :

Wednesday - Flight to Newark, New Jersey
Thursday - Flight to Boston. Then get on the bus to Londonerry. Here will Jeff (El Jefe!) pick me up.

Saturday and Sunday - Amsterdam meets Mass meeting. WITH afterparty and lots of crazyness.

Be there or be square ! (no one likes squares)

X Bara

Post scriptum : If you find any writing errors above , you can keep them.
Post scriptum scriptum : No really, I apologize for any errors.