maandag 23 mei 2011

Day 1 -2 - 3

Hello everyone, (if youre only interested in riding things/pix, scroll up to the next message)

Ok, so this "everyday writing" is probably not gonna work out that well :-)
There is way too much to do and way too much fun to have!!

Wednesday May 18th - Day 1 - of departure
Got at the airport on time. Race went with me by train, to wave goodbye.

The first flight, from Amsterdam to Philadelphia was good. Slept alot (like I always do on planes).
Then right over to the connecting flight to Newark.
Which had a delay *sigh* for several hours. Eventho my body was realllyyy tired, my mind was all active and still happy. Even the delay couldnt sweep me off my feet; I mean honestly ! I'M IN THE STATES!!!
During the waiting time I had some pretty good convo's with some Americans and met the most awesome people ever! They were so kind, the time flew by talking to them!

The flight from Philly to Newark was a 20 min flight with lots of turbulance. I thought I was gonna die, since this airplane wasn't bigger then the LEGO-airplanes I used to play with back in the days.
But even that, we survived, picked up the luggage and headed to our hotel. Sheraton Newark Airport.
I love it here! This is well luxurious I have to say. Im not leaving ! Haha.

After watching American Idols (is J.Lo still in the running??) I fell asleep. At that moment I have been awake for over 24 hours.

All of a sudden, some loud noise wakes me. Its the fire alarm! And you know, if it was just the whoot whoot sounds, I'd probably stayed in bed. But there was also a man voice telling us to (loudly) to evacuate. Really? Honestly?
So first I have to find some clothes, cause I slept just in some boxer. (if there really was a fire I'd probably be dead by now already)

Note to self - Sleep with clothes on
Fortunatly it was false alarm, and everyone could go back to back. Sleeping time again!

Thursday May 19th -Day 2 - Newark - Boston
With the shuttle from the hotel up to the airport again. Im starting to know my way around airports now.
I came to find out, you do not mess with US security. Prefferably not even laugh at them. They are scary!!!

Jeff picked me up from the bus station, and brought me to....... Walmart!!!!!!
Most of you all know how much I love Wally World. And I just walked around the store all time with a smile on my face :-)
After that we had some dinner at Applebee's.
I can not get used to the portions you get here in the states. They are huge!!!!! Its good you can bring everything you can't finish, with you back home.

Friday May 20th - Chill day
Today we just hang out a little bit. Went to the Walmart and to visit a friend of Jeff.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh schatteke van me, hilarisch dat brandalarm. Lig je GVD in een super chique hotel...heb je niet eens een goed nachtrust. Oh en Walmart....heb je je string wel VER boven je broek uitgetrokken?? Je moet wel op die website komen! Have fun!! XXXX

  2. Haha wow a fire drill in a luxurious hotel :P

    Have a good time in the USA, Bara!
