dinsdag 17 mei 2011


Minus Day 1

After longggg longggg countdown to my holiday to The States (150 days to be exact)
THE day has finally arrived. Tomorrow morning I am flying from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

So that means : packing day !!

Of course the To-Pack-List was already printed and ready to be used.
I could borrow a Trolley from my parents, weighted it. And was ready to pack.
How it started :

Nice clean bed. With my backpack (as hand lugage)
Next step : Getting everything off the list on the bed. Then make an (horrible) attempt of trying to put it IN the trolley.

Ok. I could now make the conclusion, that this wasnt gonna fit in ANY way. Sigh. So I needed to get a bigger bag. Which is actually alright, but it has no wheels. Carry-time !

As some of you have already seen on SR of FB. There is gonna be a hugeeee waterballoon war/fight with Casey and Outlaw at the Crash n Cass memorial weekend.
Couldnt forget these couldnt I !

Absolutely stoked about meeting everyone. All the riders and family have been so helpfull and friendly, this is absolutely gonna be awesome.

My schedule for the first days :

Wednesday - Flight to Newark, New Jersey
Thursday - Flight to Boston. Then get on the bus to Londonerry. Here will Jeff (El Jefe!) pick me up.

Saturday and Sunday - Amsterdam meets Mass meeting. WITH afterparty and lots of crazyness.

Be there or be square ! (no one likes squares)

X Bara

Post scriptum : If you find any writing errors above , you can keep them.
Post scriptum scriptum : No really, I apologize for any errors.

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